Monday, November 22, 2010

Second Homes

Hello, I wanted to talk about Second homes today. I know you might be thinking that talking about second homes in an economy like this is crazy. But it is actually the opposite, now is the time to be talking about it. Prices are low, there are a ton of vacation homes to look at, rates are at historic lows and this all means great deals for you, the buyer.

SO, if you have been thinking about owning that perfect getaway and if now is a good time too buy? Yes, it is and here are some points to ponder before purchasing:

1. Where do you like to vacation to the most?

2. How often can you realistically go to this home?(not just full vacations, but weekend getaways too)

3. Will this be a private getaway or will you share it with family and friends or even rent it out?

4. What do you want to do on Vacation?

5. How much room do you need?

6. How much can you realistically afford?

7. Do I have enough for a down payment?

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to assist you.

Wayne Trammell
Real Living Realty

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